Wednesday, September 19, 2012

That Gentle Reminder

Caught myself at it again last night. Nope, not that - but the time when I catch myself complaining about something that did not get done on that day when there is so much that begs my gratitude to God. The gentle reminder comes from the Spirit, why not be grateful first and review the wonderful things that happened on this day? I have read the stories of the Israelites wandering in the wilderness, complaining and moaning at every opportunity, but do I find myself at times doing that very thing? Sure I do, and I surely wish that I was more grateful first.

Paul wrote in Romans of doing the very things he no longer desired to do. Back in the day, I thought that this meant he remembered doing the wrong things from some earlier time in his life. As though, after his third epistle maybe, Paul became this perfect saint that no longer sinned or had to worry about sinning. But the testimony of Paul does not record a 'back in the day'. Paul spoke like you and me of the right now. The temptation that caused us to sin last night, also affected Paul at times. We read of Paul's thorn in his side, and we tend to think we know what that must be. The great apostle was afflicted with the same weakness that I have, therefore I must be alright, really. We don't know exactly what caused Paul to ask God three times to remove it; the Bible does not state Paul's problem for us. However, as you grow in Christ you can rest assured that you too will have thorns to help you remember that God is our salvation, and not our own strength. At times, you and I will catch a gentle reminder from the Holy Spirit right in the middle of an act we will regret. But, that is not the end of it - praise God you are already forgiven!

Have a grateful day in Christ!

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