Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Encourage Me To Encourage Others

I know, you heard on the telly that this life in Christ was just one blessing after another; that you would be restored to a former job, promoted to a better position, and be sure to share your wealth with us when that all happens. Cancer and heart disease are just bumps in the road, and you know that anyone who dies of these things must just not have believed quite enough. Unfortunately, when life does not turn out to be a golden road with a border of thorn-less roses and tasty apple trees, we can become very discouraged by a ministry of nothing but pretty news. Our gospel is literally one of good news, but I wouldn't call it one of pretty news. Jesus said that his followers would suffer trial and tribulation in this life. Persecution scattered the early church and many of the first disciples died by the hand of man. After Matthew walked away from his tax collecting, we can be fairly certain the Roman occupation authority didn't later welcome him back and promote him to chief tax collector. So many died without renouncing their faith in Christ that we dare not say they didn't believe enough.

So, what is encouraging about all of this? For one thing, this suffering and dying we endure in this life is not the whole story. Two people believe in Christ. One seems to suffer his entire life - born into poverty, educated on hard knocks, and died under the lash of persecution for his faith. Another person is born into comfortable wealth, avoids the serious illnesses and injuries throughout his life, and dies after achieving a comfortable retirement. Both men believed in Jesus, will one have a greater place in Heaven? We don't know for sure, but we might hazard a guess as to which one will be happier to be there. We don't know why God gives this believer a seemingly hard life and another one a life that appears more desirable to us. What we do learn is that God has a plan for all of us as His church, the bride of Christ, and a plan for each of us.

Not one tear of our suffering is ever wasted with God. Not one smile from our happiness is overlooked. In order for this to happen, God must know all that is going on with us. That's encouraging! Nothing can happen to us without God knowing all about it. Jesus promised that He would never leave nor forsake us - we are not abandoned! God also sends us each other. The pain of life is always a bit easier when we comfort one another in love. My prayer for today: encourage me to encourage others, Lord.

Glorious God, greatest in love, be with all of us this day,

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