Friday, September 21, 2012

Blessed Be The Name

Yesterday, I completed a project of some small difficulty. Not that I dug a mile-long ditch or anything that glamorous, but that the work involved some bending, twisting, and other awkward positions that my body does not recover as quickly from as it did say about 20 years ago. This morning I get to pay the bill for those contortions in the form of pain and stiffness. But, the results are worth a good old-fashioned song of praise of our Lord Jesus. Why is the name of the Lord so blessed to me on this day? I'm glad I asked that question! Grace has been much on my mind lately. For without grace, all of my effort in moving, the efforts of my brothers and sisters in Christ in helping me to move, and all effort in general is nothing but a waste. Solomon would have called it vain. In other words, a useless effort that won't last. However, grace came to us in the person of our Lord Jesus. Grace means that we can store up treasure in Heaven through our good works. Without grace, there would be all these treasure chests in Heaven with no one to enjoy the proceeds. What a sad sight that would be.

Grace comes entirely from God. You and I, we did nothing to gain God's favor, and we can do nothing to deserve eternal life with our Lord. Without grace we labor to save ourselves and accomplish nothing. Grace is not dependent upon me or you, or even how we feel. Grace covers me even when I wake up sore and stiff and physically of not much use to anyone. Grace covers you when sickness comes and you don't feel very graceful at all. What is grace worth to us? I may have to take that up another day; entire chapters wouldn't be enough to praise God for His grace.


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