Friday, September 28, 2012

Late Again...

Good morning on this fine autumn day! On Friday morning, I am now driving back from Sidney after an overnighter for our life group meetings. So, expect that some Friday devotionals might arrive just a bit late. We are doing a great set of lessons that for my usual absent-minded reasons I cannot remember the title of at this precise moment. The leaves in the Lodgepole valley are turning now and that was quite a drive back home. With so much going on that is bad in the world, is it right for us to stop and see the beauty in God's creation? Absolutely! In fact, that may be more important as the days darken toward what we know as the final tribulation or the end times. Much of the judgments that occur in Revelation are poured out on the things we enjoy - green grass, trees, the waters of the ocean and rivers, and the sky. That kind of thing may get through to some folks when judgments against mankind will hardly seem any different than what humans have been doing to each other for centuries. When we stop or pause and enjoy the wonders of Creation, we get the chance to give God the glory. If we don't give God credit for His creation, who will?

Have a great fall weekend!

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