Tuesday, August 14, 2012

When Disaster Strikes

I'm not writing this because three pre-teen girls are attempting to bake a cake in Cheryl's kitchen this morning... really, I'm not. They have succeeded in starting on the frosting, which to young persons is probably more important than the cake in any case. I managed to sneak in and start the roast, hopefully it won't get caught up in the conflagration. Oops, one just got caught eating the powdered sugar - straight. Such a thing is guaranteed to put any adult into a sugar coma on the spot. In place of a culinary play-by-play, I suppose this should lead into a devotional message of some sort.

Some situations are fraught, that is truly fraught, with the greatest of peril. Young girls loose in the kitchen is one, but others come to mind as well. The same group of girls loose on Ric's computer is another. Nothing is safe in the house. I'm sitting in my corner with my laptop. As the default adult in the house, I'm trying to avoid...well, de fault actually. Thus far we have avoided explosions, flames, and flying glass, but nothing is for certain at this point. I did snatch the mail back out of harm's way. Since I couldn't think of anything to write in the peace of the morning, I will now attempt to write the devotional during the impending disaster. The oven timer expired, but Miss Madeline is distracted. A good cook pays attention to his or her work in progress. I wonder if Grandma will be upset when the smoke patterns stain her white ceiling? Whoops, adult direction needed to find the pot holders, good thing I found them for the pot pies. How does one write a devotional during a small cyclone? Disaster has now occurred it seems. Was that the smell of burning flesh in the kitchen?

I'm wondering this morning if the peace that surpasses all understanding can guard my heart and mind through this latest trial. Arguments among the chefs ensue,.. the cake is too soft for frosting... the 'thing' cannot go on because the frosting won't work... shoes litter the pathway to the kitchen. Fortunately, the cats have well-trained me to watch the floor. Speaking of conflagrations, tomorrow the cats may get to ride in "the box" for a while. Of course, that means someone will have to get them in the thing first. The almost certain thing is that at least one of us isn't going to enjoy it. All of this comes down to one thing this morning - God is not upset in any way. No circumstance puts the Holy Trinity into an uproar. Nothing here on earth is unexpected or out of the ordinary or beyond God's sovereign control. Whatever may befall us here in this life, God is not caught out of position, or left speechless, or unable to respond in His own perfect way. Want peace in the midst of the storm? Look to the Savior and see Him walking calmly over the waves and commanding the wind to halt.

God bless,

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