Monday, August 20, 2012

It May Be A Humbling Experience

I have it under control. I can get this; it's really no big deal, Lord. We have said such things when still in the approach to the landing. However, the time arrives to land the plane and suddenly all the fears and doubts that were set aside before come back in full attack mode. You may find yourself completely unable to perform the necessary actions in your own strength. I had just such an experience a baptism no less.

'What is the big deal about a baptism?' you might ask. Walk down to the water, speak a few words about your salvation, get in with the pastor and let him take it from there, not a big thing at all. On the approach to the time and place, I would have agreed with you. However, when the moment arrived, my old demon arrived and ran his spear right through my side. I needed the prayers of many, my own prayers to the Lord, and finally the strength of our Lord to do the thing. I said that the process was almost more than a man can bear, and that is true in my case. Like a sheep trembling on the way to the shearing, I needed the Shepherd to lead me there. I could not bear it alone. This is not to say that there is something wrong in the process, but that there is something wrong in the sheep.

Like Paul, I have a thorn in my side that the Lord has not taken away. We do not know the exact nature of Paul's problem, but my own is labeled PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder. In a situation that many would find only mildly uncomfortable, I may be rendered nearly helpless. When some must climb a small hill to reach the summit, I am faced with a tall mountain. I don't want the church to change everything to accommodate me; I want God to take the problem away. However, my answer at this time seems to the same that Paul received from the Lord. The good news in this is that the Lord did lead me down to the water, gave me a few words to say, and we all got through the process. The mountain was climbed and the deed was done. The worries of yesterday were indeed sufficient in and of themselves for the day. God took me right to the breaking point, and then led me through it. Praise the Lord!


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