Friday, August 03, 2012

A Little Lamp Under a Dark Cloud

Good Friday morning! It seems that one day of relief may be granted us tomorrow, but we'll see when tomorrow comes. Today, the dark cloud hovers low over a little lamp. But in that lamp is not my light or your light. In that lamp is the very light of salvation: Jesus Christ. As the dark cloud hovers lower, pushed on by a foul wind from the prince of this world, the light seems to shine that much brighter in the gloom. We nervously look at the cloud as it spills its threat over us, but the true light continues to shine. Where the light touches the edges of the evil cloud the vapors of destruction are put to flight. The darkness desires to destroy the light, but the light is stronger. The dark cloud shifts its attention to the light bearer: that's you and me, friend.

We don't like it when the darkness of the world presses hard on us. We lose sleep, fight off anxiety, revel in depression, and reach for destructive habits when we look at that cloud and tremble. However, we are to look with love on our light and tend to that little lamp in preparation for our bridegroom's arrival. Our job is not to disperse the cloud, but to hold up our light. The Light will take on the darkness and dispel its evil influence; we must tend to our lamp with the Word of God and fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ. But we are not without a weapon of our own.

When the dark cloud of persecution, pressure, and pain presses us too closely, we can strike out with the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God. Memorize those Bible verses. You my not have time to run back to the armory to get out your sword: belt it on at your side.


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