Thursday, August 27, 2009

A Singular Great Idea - August 27, 2009

Good Thursday morning! There is some confusion in that as I took off early this morning after reading today's paper last night. For a bit after coming back from the grocery store, I was firmly convinced this day was actually Friday. Working in the cubicle world as I did back in the day, a revelation like "today's only Thursday" would have been the death knell for the day. As it is, I have one more day this week to accomplish great things in Christ! :-) So the question came to me while reading the news this morning: what can I do for all those people out of work and with exhausted jobless benefits? I can pray for all of them; but am I missing something? We all want to do something directly, but none of us have the resources to solve the problems of unemployment and impending poverty. The savings rate is up in America - certainly due to people who have jobs and money saving as much as they can right now. I'm also sure that nearly every jobless person wants to work for their living; handouts are hard to take when a person is perfectly capable of working.

Is there something I can do to put people back to work? Can I win some lottery and put the funds to use in making jobs for all those who want to work? Actually, taking care of everyone is neither my job nor our government's. We all, whether acknowledged or not, depend on God. Jesus explains in the Bible that God takes care of all of us, even the lilies of the field. It is not my job to take God's place in taking care of folks, unemployed, retired, or working hard as they may be on this day. Does God have a great idea that will put everyone back to work? Yes, I hear that He does. But like most of His great ideas, it's a God-sized idea and it will be implemented by God himself. I say "most" only in that sometimes God does give an individual one of His great ideas and allows that person to work for God's own glory. I don't have a great idea that will put everyone back to work, with perhaps one exception - turn to Jesus!

The world scoffs at such an idea, relegating it to the heap of "religious nut cases" and other derogatory terms. Take a good study of our history or the history of Israel. When the people turned to God, the nation prospered. I'm sure that will work on an individual basis as well. You may not become rich, but God will take care of every need.

Trust in God, believe in Jesus, and watch your outlook turn to the better!


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