Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Musings - August 26, 2009

Good Wednesday morning! There seems to be some small confusion about the date today. Devotionals and MSNBC say it's August 26, but the website of our dear local newspaper puts the current e-edition at August 25. The cat doesn't care either way, as long as I don't use the discrepancy as an excuse to skip his morning skritch. I'm being manipulated by a couple of little, black paws right now. Aaah, fall must be approaching, the cat wants to cuddle up to me; a sure sign that the mornings are getting cooler. Speaking of cool; how cool would it be to live in a church? I looked at one yesterday, but when I saw how much it cost to heat the place each month, I realized that it would have to be cool for me to live there, perhaps even downright cold. Ouch! The pasture is pretty green right here; it might be a good time to just stay put.

Good news: employers plan on hiring full-time positions in the next year. That will be good news for some, though other reports seem to indicate that not all the positions lost will be regained in the job market. The question for this year might be: will Christmas be jolly without lots of spending and buying? For those thinking that Christmas has become too secular, this will be a good year to go easy on the presents. We like buying and giving gifts to one another, so I don't advocate stopping the practice. However, it will be much better for us to concentrate more on the gift given to all of us on that great day so long ago - the Christ child.

The cat is very affectionate today. Should I expect a cold weekend or what? Today my goal, God willing, is to get some of the many ideas I have floating around on scraps of paper and voice recordings onto or into print. Time for the neighbor's herd to be shepherded to school. Time for me to get to it myself.

God be with you,


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