Monday, August 17, 2009

Caught Late! - August 17, 2009

Good Monday morning! I'm late today... whoohoo! Little trip to Safeway to start the day, a little bit of breakfast and news, and the next thing you know... 0800 has past. Time catches us whether we watch the clock or not. That is why Jesus warned us more than once in Revelation that He is coming soon. The final trumpet will sound and catch much of the world in complete surprise. We, on the other hand, are told to be watchful. While no one will know the exact day or date of Jesus' return, the Bible does give signs to watch for. Read in Thessalonians and Revelation about the events that must happen. Jesus himself gave us clues to watch for as well in Matthew 24. Though at times it may seem that God would have us wait and wait, only to be caught in shock and awe like the world will be, we find in our Bible study that is not true. Without revealing His perfect time to us, God has given us much to watch for in the coming times and signs that have already been completed, such as the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem. Some days the coming of Jesus seems far away, but like my 8:00am deadline, the time will arrive without warning if we don't watch!

Have a great day in Christ Jesus!


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