Saturday, December 29, 2007

Potter's Clay - December 29, 2007

Good Saturday morning, and the last Saturday that we will see in 2007. I have enjoyed a great vacation and there remain a few days to enjoy it even more! There are roots to my family; I wonder about them and the information arrives. My roots may no longer remain a figmentation of my imagine, or something to that effect. :-)

I read the chapter in Jeremiah about the potter and his clay this morning. This famous passage has graced many a sermon over the years and is still direct and to the point. God is the potter, and although His example to Jeremiah concerned the nation of Israel, it can be applied to an individual, a church, a town, a different nation, or even the earth and universe. God can start over at any time, and we know that He did just that in Noah's time. That flood was so catastrophic that we may never know in this life just how advanced civilization had become before the destruction. No signs of that civilization have come to light as far as anyone can tell, and so it is assumed that no advanced civilization existed. However, we come once again to that choice. If you believe in God as the creator of all, then you shall have no trouble in believing that He could have quite easily wiped out every trace of those former civilizations in order to start over with a clean slate. Noah's ark rode across the water. Underneath the waves the earth may have been entirely remade, we don't know for sure.

I don't want us to go running around spinning tales of Atlantis, but thinking outside of the normal assumptions does allow for a little mind relaxation. There is so much that we do not know about the past, creation, and even each other. I am glad that none of us will run out of things to learn in this lifetime, and I look forward to meeting Jesus and finding out even more!

Have a wonderful weekend in Christ Jesus!


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