Friday, December 07, 2007

December 7, 2007

Good Friday morning. May the love of the Lord Jesus shine on you this day! The Christmas songs are playing on the radio this morning, as we have awakened to a white day of snow. It is supposed to snow at times throughout the weekend, and that is welcome news to a dry area. It seems that lately I have been leaning on Jesus a lot. Troubled times bring us to Jesus as the good times never do. Thank you Lord, for those times that bring us closer to you!

It is Friday, and that means another weekend will soon start. I pray for those of you who might be travelling this weekend, even if only for a shopping trip. As though anyone needed another reminder of how life can be ended on any given day, we pray for those in Omaha involved in the recent shooting. Did we need another reminder of the dark times ahead? It seems that in these dark days that suicidal persons do not want to go out alone. Hardly a week goes by that innocent people are not killed by someone wanting to commit suicide. The headline "murder-suicide" has become so common that we often don't take notice unless it strikes close to us. Pray for those around you, the only safety is in Jesus.

Have a wonderful weekend and a very merry Christmas!


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