Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Day - December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas! We are getting a new blanket of snow this morning and it is beautiful! A white Christmas and a new day in Christ. I pray that you are having a wonderful Christmas day. From the weather map, it looks like a lot of people will have wakened to a white Christmas, and after years of drought in the area, that is very nice to see.

The metaphor of the new fallen snow is used often in literature and poetry. I like the one for reconciling our sins. In Isaiah, "though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow." God gave us himself, in the form of Jesus, on this Christmas day many years ago. The greatest gift, and one that continues to give us hope to this very day and beyond. Oh, the great joy that lives in our hearts for those who believe in Jesus!

Good Morning America invited four Christian leaders to the show this morning to voice their thoughts on what Christmas means. I am glad that at least a few minutes can be set aside in the secular news media to remember why it is that we celebrate Christ's birth.

Well don't spend too much time reading this, you must get ready to celebrate Christmas! Have a merry, joyful, and wonderful Christmas Day in Christ Jesus!


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