Friday, August 03, 2007

August 3, 2007

Good Afternoon! I know, you were probably wondering what happened today. Well, those occasional vacation days, like today, are quite the treat. We had a celebration last night for our successful work on that big PCI project that caused me so much grief, along with the schoolwork, in the first half of this year. I feel that a lot of strife has passed by, and now the urge to write is coming on strong once more. Of course, the writing this weekend will mostly involve yet another in a long line of school papers, but there are only six classes and one weekend (this one) left to go. I found out that the son of a friend in Christ is now grown up and teaching a history class at our local college. The one remaining elective for me is a history class, and so I do believe that I will see about attending that one instead of the UoP online course.

I did manage to get out and about to the grocery store and a haircut today. As I get older I like shorter hair more. I do really like long hair on the ladies, but I also respect them very much for the time and effort it takes to care for long hair. Just a bit of personal opinion there! Christmas is just... oops, did I hear an "aaagh, no!" from out there? You're right, probably a little too soon to anticipate... I won't mention it again today. The dragonflies are having a good time over the pond today; I should expect some more little ones before long. Did you know that dragonflies before they molt and become adults are one of the ugliest bugs I have ever seen? The first time I saw some of them in the pond skimmer, I was ready to moosh them on the spot. After seeing one emerge into an adult on my porch, I was once again impressed with God's creation. How something so repulsive could become one of the more amazing insects is quite beyond my understanding. Aeronautical engineers still study dragonflies in hope of creating flying machines that can come close to performing their amazing aeronautical feats. Once more the theory of evolution remains more unbelievable to me than the Creator. The only reason the world clings to theories like evolution is in rejecting God as who and what he is.

Praise God that he is, and as he told Moses, "I am that I am." So simple and yet so far beyond my comprehension at the same time.

God is with you, walk with him this day!


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