Tuesday, August 21, 2007

August 21, 2007

Good morning! The new day dawns, sing praises to the Lord God Almighty! Does it ever seem that you are compelled to read the same Bible passage, book or verse more than once? When this happens to me, I think there must be something the Lord wants me to understand or obey that is not sinking in. The Lord is very patient with me, and when I don't get it the first time he will show it to me again. Human teachers in this world are not always so patient. I have been guilty of impatience when placed in a teaching position, and it's certainly possible that you have also. Now think of having more than six billion, more or less, dense students under your care. There are many things that we don't understand and are slow to learn. Praise God for the Holy Spirit within our hearts. Patiently showing us until we understand the Way. I often think that it will take my entire life to get to the point that God wants me to be, and I'm probably correct in that estimation.

Let out a joyous "Hallelujah!" for the Teacher!


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