Monday, August 20, 2007

August 20, 2007

Good Monday morning! Ah, the start of school, perhaps you can feel the agony of despair reverberating from our little town. Summer vacation is over, the kids must go back to school. Think of the wasted opportunity to grow up completely ignorant! Actually, there is great debate over what our, or should I say your, kids are being taught in school. Creationism can earn a school a subpoena from the court due to action by the ACLU. Evolution is just a theory and apparently one that has been discarded by science. Why do educators and some parents still cling to evolution then? Easy, evolution rules out a Creator, no creator means no God, and if you truly believe in evolution then you are not only free, but obliged to spread your genes as widely as possible. Yup, rampant sexual sin can be traced to belief in evolution.

The question is asked in the world, "if a perfect God created us, why are we so flawed?" Hold it! Back up to Genesis. God did not create us the way we are now, subject to decay, disease, injury, and physical death. God created Adam and Eve perfectly in his own image and they were perfect for each other. However, that terrible choice was made and sin came into the world. You and I are not now the perfect creations of God. We are stained by sin and we don't even know just how much that has affected our lives. There is nothing to compare our condition to, for every thing in God's creation was stained by sin. How would you like to live with the responsibility of that choice on your mind? I'm not sure how Adam and Eve made it through the rest of their lives.

Where is the hope in all of this? Right where it has always been, in the person of Jesus Christ, God's own created Son. As the sun rises on a new week, we can pause to think about that saving grace. May the Lord's name be forever praised!

God bless you this week!


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