Saturday, April 07, 2007

April 7, 2007

Good afternoon! It’s late in the afternoon on Saturday and I really have been goofing off on this vacation. Praise the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! Resurrection Day is tomorrow, a great celebration of our faith. We have enjoyed, if you’ll pardon the word, a fair amount of snow over the past 2-3 days. The ground is warm enough that it is gone each day, but we have awakened to a white world each morning. Cold though it was last night, we did not set a record. According to my usual weather web site, the record low is -9º F for April. Although it is very light, it is in fact still snowing here.
This weekend, probably tomorrow, I need to watch The Passion of the Christ once more. Easter weekend is a good weekend to really work at remembering what Jesus has done for me. Sorrow comes when I think of what he endured in my place, but gratitude is where I like to arrive at the end of my commemoration. Jesus gave himself and he gave us the Last Supper to remember him in gratitude and joy. While I don’t want to forget his suffering, I want to remember it for the right reason, his victory over death and the grave. He suffered much, but it was in victory not defeat. The glory of the Lord shone forth on the Earth on the third day.

Let the glory of the Lord shine through you today!


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