Thursday, April 12, 2007

April 12, 2007

Good morning! What a wonderful Bible study we had last night. The Psalms are truly a blessing to us all. There are entire Psalms, including the famous 23rd, which we should memorize for help in times of stress or anxiety. I am not saying that you should try to tackle the 119th just yet, but some great passages are found in the Psalms. The pastor pointed out that Jesus often quoted the Psalms and so did Paul in his writings. Today we have wonderful Psalms from modern Christian song writers to sing both in our hearts and in worship services. For that is what the Psalms were to the people of Israel, songs of praise to God. Is it not interesting that we find comfort in songs of praise to our God just as our spiritual ancestors did in the time of David? Some things never change and it is good that they do not. Today you might think of your favorite Psalm, old or new, and sing it in your heart throughout the day.

What a wonderful Lord we have in Jesus!


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