Tuesday, April 24, 2007

April 24, 2007

Good morning and welcome to another day in Christ Jesus! We enjoyed a lot of rain last night; it will surely get the grass to growing…and probably the dandelions as well. There is a vacant lot about a block away that shows hardly a speck of green; I think they treated it with Agent Orange or something last fall. I have new neighbors and as usual in suburbia, I don’t know their names. That happens so very often in the world today. We are very mobile and in place of the neighborhood of old, we have the group of friends from a wide area. In some ways this mobility is good and in some ways not so good. However, it is growing better or worse, depending upon your take on the problem, as the Internet takes over and we have our group of friends internationally. Any of us may sit down one evening and converse with persons worldwide and have absolutely no idea how the people in the house next door are doing either physically or spiritually. Oh, if an ambulance pulls up with lights flashing then we will want to know. Most of the time, it may take us a year or more before we even know the name of our neighbors. Television is another bane to neighborhood gatherings; it is far easier to join a “family” on the TV screen each night than to interact with one personally. Look out, here it comes! Yes, we need to get that action item on our lists, visit the neighbors and find out who they are. What better opportunity to spread the Good News!
Yours in Christ Jesus!

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