Monday, April 16, 2007

April 16, 2007

Good morning! The day dawns with some pink and orange wisps of cloud, and a beautiful light blue sky. The weekend showed us some nice spring weather out here and I did get outside to take advantage of it. I heard a commercial where a major bank has claimed to have committed 20 billion dollars to an environmental cause. Some of that is no doubt in the form of loans to build things, but if you hold one of this bank’s credit cards some of that will come from you! I hope they asked you before committing all that money. The response to the theory of Global Warming is on the way from Dr. D. James Kennedy; it would seem there is some doubt to the causes and potential effects of global warming. I don’t think that will surprise anyone; there are usually two sides to every debate. I did my part! I planted six trees yesterday. Today I need to mark them so that they do not fall victim to the lawn mower. I do believe that God would have us to care for our planet as part of our duties, but he also commanded Adam to till the Garden, which speaks of using the land or planet. It does not seem right to have hydroelectric dams all over our nation and then protest when an African nation would do the same thing. Yet that does happen and it is usually that same crowd who has already endorsed the gloom and doom prophecies of global warming. Of course, all this may be moot; Christ may return tonight or tomorrow and render the debate useless. All the world’s precious ideologies undone in a moment, what a great day that will be!

God bless you this day,


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