Monday, April 23, 2007

April 23, 2007

Good morning! The experiment with getting up a little later is finished. I felt too rushed when trying to get in a short workout and writing the devotional, and so it’s back to 0430 this week. How precious time is to us each and every day. The rain is nice to see this morning; it should help my crop of dandelions remain vigorous and strong. They certainly showed that Scott’s fertilizer/herbicide which of them has the staying power. I suppose one more try before throwing my hands up and putting Astroturf on the whole lawn. J This is one area that I am just not spending enough time, and it ain’t gonna change soon! Spending time with the Word, prayer, work, school, and other things take precedence over lawn care. Time for this, time for that, aaaieee! How does one get to everything?
My priority is Jesus; the rest will just have to fall into line. My time on this earth is limited and spreading the Good News is more important than anything else. I may have to write while gazing at the dandelions in my lawn, but the joy of Christ doesn’t fade or grow dim in this world of darkness.

Praise the King of kings!


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