Friday, June 12, 2020

Work Before God?

But the guests he had invited ignored them and went their own way, one to his farm, another to his business. Matthew 22:5

This verse comes from one of those shocking parables that Jesus spoke to the Jewish people. At that time, the opportunities to eat good were the three festivals in the Law, and those weddings. This parable is about a wedding feast where no one wanted to attend, which is quite unlikely and shocking as the people of the time did not get to eat good, for free, all that often. And of course it was a celebration, a chance to rest from work with good reason. Yet, the invited ones refused to come, and then the working folk would rather go about their business. In the New King James version, the word says that they made light of the invitation. It was also the worst of insults to the host to ignore the invitation and go about your daily business as though nothing important was going on. 

We know that work must not come before God in our life, but do we obey that work cannot come before God? The usage is so unusual that it may seem strange to us. Obey that work cannot come before God? Are you using the right words there, crazy one? Maybe we can use those words of that first greatest commandment, that we love the Lord our God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength. Obeying those words will take care of that problem of having any work come before God in life. 

Living those two greatest love commandments will take care of the entire raft of rules we find in the Bible, and we get to live in love instead of under the burden of the Law! 

Love in Christ Jesus,

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