Friday, June 26, 2020

Combed, Buffed, Polished, and Plumed!

How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog—it’s here a little while, then it’s gone.   James 4:14

Oh, we would do so much better in that meeting tomorrow if we were combed, buffed, polished, and plumed. Okay, so the last one means decorated with feathers, so maybe not that one so much, but we have a desire to present our best outward appearance when called to the big show. And show it would be if that were not our normal mode of dress and finish. However, a show is not necessarily a bad thing when called for by the circumstances. What we are concerned over today is not the meeting tomorrow, but the meeting today and the little while in which we have to give our testimony to the world. Does this next presentation call for fancy dress and an improved finish? Then ask of the Lord without shame and He will provide. Is your normal mode so normal for you that no one would recognize your appearance if it were combed, buffed, polished, and plumed? Then don't worry over it, show up to the show just as you are now. Not that a few feather decorations wouldn't be interesting of course! 

James reminds us that we do not know what tomorrow will bring. Let us do our best in Christ today, and tomorrow we will be with our Lord again. Whatever our appearance today and tomorrow, our Lord is glad to delight in each of us! 

In the love of Christ, 

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