Thursday, June 04, 2020

The World Practices...

But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment.  Matthew 12:36

We may understand that the day of the Lord's judgment has not come just yet, but the world, and the powers and principalities therein, wants to take the place of our Lord and it practices judgment even now. One example of this in action concerns our idle words.

In the constitution of the United States, every citizen is guaranteed the right to freedom of speech. Um, not exactly. In the first amendment to the Constitution, Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech. As we gave authority to the congressional branch to make laws, how did this age we live in become so quick to judge our speech when no law abridging it is allowed? This process is more than can be laid down in a short devotional, but over the years since the Constitution become the law of the land, we have come to a time when we cannot speak anything we want in our words. Some restrictions have come from bitter experience, such as yelling 'fire' in a crowded place when there is none and causing a needless and deadly panic. Others have come from sincere efforts to remove inequalities to groups and persons.

Now, say certain words in an idle moment at work, and see how quickly a career can end. Still think everyone is free to speak when not at work? Numerous examples show how quickly the powers in this world will reach out and restrict the rights of a person from a social media post, an interview in the media, or an e-mail to a friend. The world practices as judge, even though the Judge has not yet arrived from His heavenly throne. A moment of idle speech may bring a ton of those proverbial bricks down upon the head of the speaker. Where's the freedom in that?

Watch out for one another in love and the grace of Jesus Christ,


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