Wednesday, February 17, 2016

What Does the Usual Matter When the Miraculous is Upon Us?

Everywhere Jesus went He did miracles. Even in those unbelieving places where faith was hard to find a few miracles followed where Jesus walked. As I watched something unusual happen this morning, I thought what does usual matter when I have just witnessed the thing. But unusual doesn't make a miracle. Jesus brought something more than just a bit out of the ordinary. Do we expect the miraculous enough today? Are we falling into the Pharisees' love of the usual?

When Jesus healed a man on the Sabbath, the Pharisees ran back to their Book of Usual Rules and condemned Jesus. They failed to note the love and mercy of our Lord in healing the man. And what better way to honor the Lord's Sabbath than to make a man whole? Yet, the Pharisees were ready to stone Jesus to satisfy their love for the usual rules. I believe the miraculous waits at the door for us to look away from the usual and welcome Him into our world. The Great Tribulation will soon be here, but before that time we look for a great miracle known as the Rapture. How many might be left behind simply because they love the usual when the miraculous is upon them?

Enjoy the day in Christ and look for His miracles!


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