Thursday, February 04, 2016

My Alwayses Need Not Be Permanent

Snow as a child is nothing but fun. Snow as an adult is more often about work - the difficulty in getting there, the danger in coming home through it, and once at home the amount required to move/shovel/clear/throw/plow and otherwise get it off the driveway, streets, and sidewalks. Somehow we age from cheerful snow player to grumbling snow slave. We live in a fallen world, but it need not always be so.

This morning, I realized that those things I have 'always' done may change soon. What is this change Christ has made in me? Things I formerly always thought are gone in some cases, persistent in others, but a change is underway. Perhaps the most astounding change is in those things that I once 'always' did or failed at whether in thought or deed. It seems that this rebirth in Christ means that my alwayses need not be permanent. The same might be said of my nevers and everytimes. I'm sure getting a lot of red squiggles under my words today. This need not always happen. Perhaps Paul said it best:

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. (2 Cor 5:17)

Enjoy a renewal in Christ!

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