Monday, February 22, 2016

From Is to Was So Quickly

A famous author passed into her sleep last week and that morning I checked her Wikipedia page. Within four hours or less, she had passed from 'is' to 'was', just that quickly. One of our great desires in this world is to be noticed and then remembered by someone when we pass from it. We may not be famous, but in a similar way we will pass from is to was so very quickly. One day we are this job holder, and his friend, and her relative, and then like a puff of air across a field, we were this person who was his friend and was her relative. Someone takes the time to write up an obituary and a few others plant our 'was' box in the ground. Gone.

Why else do so many seek so hard for eternal life? Why do so many seek in the wrong direction? Jesus brought the words of eternal life to us. The disciples knew it; the Pharisees denied it, but the words of Christ are life eternal. Our desire to pass from an is to a was and on to an is eternal is fulfilled in our Lord Jesus: the One who was, who is, and who is to come. (Rev 1:8).

Set your hope in Him!

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