Tuesday, February 23, 2016

We May Need Those Persecutors

A dove meandered nonchalantly across the driveway in front of my truck this morning. Back in the day when my cat lived out there, those doves did some chalanting I can tell you. The nonchalantey doves were called 'lunch'. My French language butchery aside, I wonder if God removed immediately all of our predators, problems and persecutors, would we continue on the path to sanctification as He desires?

Wealth, ease, luxury, popularity, these things can be dangerous to the developing Christian. Not that any of it is of itself bad, but we tend to conform to the environment by slacking off. We need some slack off time to rest from our trials, but to have nothing but that sort of time might just leave us stuck in a sort of faithless faith, if you will. God could certainly stand against every predator, problem, and persecution we face in total prevention mode, but He may also use them for our good. In fact, Paul reminds us of that very thing in Romans when he confirms what we must suspect by now, " And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose." (8:28)

Rejoice in just the right amount of persecution today, carefully managed in His tender care,


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