Monday, January 19, 2015

Do We Dare Tell of Hell?

A warm weekend in January; we are indeed blessed! Do we only tell of the blessing, or dare we tell of Hell? Some would think the good news of Jesus consists of retirement, wealth, health, and good times all around. Gosh, who wouldn't want that? Others might advertise the church as a great place to pick out a faithful spouse; a sort of smorgasbord of assured marital bliss. How wonderful! Then suddenly, a person may not hear it much these days, a minister stands and warns of a place called Hell. What's this? How dare he intrude on all-around bliss.

The good news of forgiveness, mercy and grace ended in Heaven, but it also was good news for avoiding the alternative. Jesus spoke of that terrible place in a parable about a certain rich man and Lazarus. The Revelation tells of a lake of fire. Do we as followers of Christ fail to mention this other alternative as a word of warning to the unbeliever? What happens when Hell as shown in the Bible is not preached?

The famous actress decides that Hell is the groovier place to go. Others say that only Heaven comes after and that we are in Hell now. Rock stars claim that Hell is the place to go because that is where all the friends will be. Heaven is the boring place, Hell is where the big party is. These lies and misconceptions sprout and grow when those who know better fail to say anything. If you are walking toward a cliff that you cannot see, and I knowing of the dreadful precipice fail to warn you, who is at fault? Where is the love of Christ in keeping silent when words of warning are called for? Of course, we have much good news and do not need to constantly tell of that dreaded eternal torment, but we have a duty of love to speak, write, or sing a word of warning when unbelief refuses the Good News of Christ Jesus.

Now, I sincerely hope that the subject of Hell did not cause you to immediately think of your workplace. If so, all I can do is say, "Sorry!"


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