Monday, September 08, 2014

What May Not Happen

Good morning as the day dawns quite a bit later than it did a month or two ago. Science fiction promised laser weapons long ago, and it always seems to be just around the corner. Not that we need any more weapons, the ones we can obtain do the work quite well, but as an exercise in what may not happen. In place of personal laser weapons from the space age, we have lasers playing spinning discs for entertainment, lasers measuring our walls and floors, and lasers to level that drop ceiling. The police use lasers to measure the speed of cars and doctors use lasers to zap flaps in our eyeballs. But the space alien blasting us into puddles of goo for later analysis or ingestion just not happening. That's okay, we really don't need that sort of thing on a Monday morning. Once upon a time though, you or I might have been locked up or burned at the stake for suggesting a machine that uses air to suck up dirt from the floor and frighten the pets.

Biblical prophecy is more along the lines of what did happen. A vacuum cleaner is common stuff for us, and so one day the fantastic things spoken of in the Bible will be to those who see them happen. Common in this case meaning that they will have it in common, and not that it will seem at all common. Global earthquakes, a plague of selective stingers, and rivers turning to blood are not exactly commonplace. Other prophecies sound much better, children playing near venomous snakes, lambs and wolves getting friendly, and all animals eating grass seems pretty far-fetched to us in these days of predation. Yet, that prophecy we read in the Bible too. Just as the light did shine in Bethlehem, so these other things will come to pass as well. What science guesses may or may not happen. What God speaks arrives in the time God sets.

Have a wonderful week in Christ!

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