Thursday, September 11, 2014

The Roar of Righteousness

Welcome to the joy of our Lord Jesus on this rainy day! Much of the time we go about sounding much like the mice of misery. Today, I want us to think about the Lion of Judah and the righteousness He has imputed to those He saved from sin. That's right, we have right standing before God through Jesus our Christ. We should sound the roar of righteousness to the world. C.S. Lewis was right to remind us through his character 'Aslan' of the Lion. Recall the joy of the unfrozen lion near the end of The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe? (Thanks for that rather cumbersome title to type, Clive.) That lion ran about telling everyone over and over, "He said 'us lions'!" We must needs remember that today; we are lions of the tribe of Gentile following our Lord, the Lion of Judah.

We like to look at the sin of our past and present. This is at first a good thing as the Spirit makes us aware of just how much saving Jesus had to do at the cross. However, we shouldn't wallow in that over much. We are made righteous in Christ. Yes, we are in the fight of our lives against the carnal desires of the flesh and the powers of this present age. But, we are declared righteous in Christ now, and we know that one day all sin will be vanquished and put far away from us. So let's hear that roar of righteousness to start the day! Seize upon the knowledge that Jesus has made you and me righteous before God. Live in Christ, and don't squeak about like the mice of misery.

God's love to you on this righteous day,

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