Friday, September 26, 2014

We Need Upper

Good morning on this Friday! The day being the one that it is, a Friday and all, I thought we need upper. Not 'an', but just upper. We need uplifting, up thinking, and up longing. We need to think of Jesus! Looking at me there is some reason to be down. (Wait, I didn't mean that the way it sounded!) Looking around me at the circumstance may bring even more reason to be down. (Man, really letting myself have it today.) Looking up to Jesus brings hope, joy, peace, patience, and all the other fruits of the Spirit. Looking up to Jesus reminds me of His love for me. A difficult concept if I'm caught up looking at only me and my circumstance, but the love of God in Christ is perfectly normal and understandable if I keep my eyes on Jesus. We need upper in the mind to keep away from the downer the world shovels onto us. Hmm, I'm almost sounding a little sixty-ish there. Hippie culture has infected the devotional, run for your lives!

60's, dude that was like a long time ago. Yes, it was, and since I got out of the Sixties at like six years old, I can't really say too much about it. As I recall, the Sixties mostly involved Big Bird, a fellow named Mr. Rogers, and The Electric Company. The other stuff I had to discover much later, and like every history book you've ever picked up, I had to take on faith that hippies and such actually happened. Exactly! When we read the word of God, the same thing happens. We take it on faith that Jesus happened and that His words are true. I wasn't there, you weren't there, (unless you're a lot older than I thought), and we didn't get to live it. But, looking up to Jesus, I can believe through the loving power of His Holy Spirit. As for hippies, I'll just have to take the stories of the eyewitnesses as history.

Have a blessed day in Christ Jesus,

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