Friday, September 05, 2014

Happily Painting the Corner I'm In

Good morning! I got up to start the watering, but God had taken care of it for me this morning. Sometimes we paint ourselves into a corner as the old saying goes, and we know it. Other times, we may be found happily painting the very corner we are in. This happens most often I believe in conversations. The mouth runs along, we feel the audience perhaps is on our side, instead of stopping in our little painted corner with an "Oops!", we look down metaphorically speaking, and dump the remaining paint on our feet to cover that corner. Good job! In the aftermath, we see a nice pair of bare footprints in the corner where we stood, and maybe we sense the taste of paint in the mouth from where our feets went before we could regain control of our tongue. Even us normally quiet folk have been there.

It happens, but the grace of Christ has not taken off on holiday. The sin of today is no less covered than the sin of yesterday. Many a time I have happily painted the corner I worked to get myself into, and every time Jesus has covered those stupid footprints with His grace. That does not mean the consequences are hidden or washed away. No, like the saints before me, I may still have to walk in some wet paint to get out of the room.

If we liken the life of a Christian to a long hallway of painted rooms, we would find many a set of colored footprints coming out of some rooms. In those cases, I suspect that two sets of footprints might appear to those reviewing that life. The Christian himself might recall going into the room alone, even painting into that corner alone, but somehow he was led out of that room even as he felt so alone.

The grace and peace of Christ to you,

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