Friday, February 28, 2014

Picked On From The Start

Good Friday! Way back in the day, that name we love was coined as a put down. Yes, the name Christian was used to sneer and scoff at those 'little Christs' or Christ ones. Today, we belong to Christ by the name of Christian, but the world still wants to use the name in a derogatory manner. Our brothers in Christ were picked on from the start, just as Jesus told them would happen. They soldiered on in the cause of Christ, and eventually Christian became a name to be desired for its association with Jesus the Christ. However, there is still a division over the name.

No small amount of quacks, charlatans, and false prophets have also claimed the name of Christian. Jesus warned us of that also. Set out to mock Christianity, and you can find all the evidence you need of the silly, profane, and false in cults and sects around the world. I know this because I watched a documentary earlier in the week wherein a fellow did just that. However, look for that sort of stuff masquerading as Christian and you ignore the movement driven by God's love.

We may be a minority, or simply a less noisy majority, but we are here. Such a thing does not excite the world like the pursuit of power or wealth or the driving of revenge, but love keeps us going. Many movements and governments have fallen in the centuries since Jesus came, but those who love Christ keep the name of Christian alive as an honor to Jesus our Lord.

Love your neighbor today,

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