Tuesday, February 18, 2014

It's a Sin Addiction

Good morning as we look around and start a new day. A study published recently claims that porn addiction does not meet the definition of an addiction. Maybe, but like every other sin that grabs folks and won't let go: It's a sin addiction. Some may be chemical in nature, affecting the brain wiring, and others circumstantial, as in the flesh just wants to do it, but all sins grab hold of the victim and keep coming back for more. If the Tempter finds a person weak in one area, he is going to keep striking it. A hole in the shield of faith lets in the darts of the Adversary over and over until the believer is reeling from the pain of it. We as natural-born sinners are not strong enough to fight it in our own might. However, we have an answer for this sort of thing.

Jesus gave us a new spirit, and by doing so put us right in the thick of battle. The flesh born into sin is not gone yet, and it fights to hold onto its old territory: that would be you and me. Sometimes we hear of God graciously removing a temptation from a soul given to Christ. In most cases, I think that the new believer is coming aboard the mercy ship with the same old temptations. We are forgiven both past and future, but the enemy does not put down the tools that worked so well in the past. A person tempted by porn will likely face that same temptation until Jesus removes it once and for all in Heaven. We can have the victory in Christ though, if we will receive His authority and submit to His authority. Nothing is ever easy it seems, the rebel flesh will rise up just as soon as we try to live under Christ's authority.

There is victory over that too, and it comes from the same place. The victory may not be immediate over all the temptations of this world and the rebellion of our carnal flesh. The answer we seek comes through prayer and a lifetime of submission to our Lord Jesus. Keep on hoping, because one day our burdens will be laid down for good and for ever.

Praise the name of Jesus our Lord,

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