Saturday, April 28, 2012

What Does God Feel?

Good evening and God bless you as Saturday evening comes on. As I pondered war and suffering this evening, I began to wonder what God must feel. We have a tendency to think that God is somehow distant from the pain and mourning that a war, or any day for that matter, brings on. We see our Father as sitting on His throne in Heaven callously moving pieces on a giant chessboard, but is that the truth? Probably not. God loves us and God is jealous for us to love Him in return. From that love, God mourns the death of a child with the parents. The Holy Spirit in us groans when we feel pain or sadness. God does carry out His plan, but we know from the cross that Jesus bore a terrible cost. I do not believe that God was unmoved by the death of His Son, witness the hours of darkness at Calvary. God is not unfeeling or distant. We know that God hates sin. He could hardly look at the world and not feel compassion, pity, and yes, sorrow, as we struggle in this life. Life is not all mourning and weeping though. The Holy Spirit in you will also enjoy with you the triumphs of this life. Weddings, the birth of a child, a promotion at work, and many other happy events bring a smile to the Spirit and I like to think that God the Father feels that happiness too.

In Matthew 7, Jesus speaks of how well the Father knows how to give us every good thing. When God's children are joyous and happy, I believe that God smiles and is not distant at all. I grew up with a view of God as someone far removed from our emotions, but I no longer believe that is the case at all. God wants us to be happy with Him forever. Why else have a heaven?

Have a great Sunday!

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