Wednesday, April 04, 2012

For The Glory of My Name

Behold! What I will do for the glory of My name! Thus says the Lord our God in many Bible stories. We know when the Lord speaks in this way that good and great things are soon to happen. In this world, we no longer expect the Old Testament miracles. For some reason we have placed God on a lower throne, one of less immediacy and power. We read the stories of Jesus and His works, but we don't always apply them to our own situation. We see the miracles of God today as some kind of low-level insurgency in the world. "I heard from a friend, who saw it on television, that someone over there experienced a healing in answer to prayer. I wish that would happen to me..." We should have heard it straight from the first person in the first person. Yes, when a miracle occurs and God's power is made manifest in your life, you will want to share. But, the wolves of the world will gather to snap and growl, seeking to devour the news of God's work before a light can shine in the darkness. Fear not! The Savior who died for our sins is greater than the snapping jaws of the world.

Rejoice in Christ! Great miracles will come in your life and my life. Not over there and not third hand by way of a distant ministry, but right here! Will everyone be healed of every illness? We do not know God's plan for every person, but we do know that leaves grow in the Holy City for the healing of the nations. Healing in this life is a mighty miracle, but more important is the death and resurrection of Christ for the eternal healing of the body, mind, and spirit. What we do know of God's plan speaks of great works to come. God has not abandoned the field to the prince of this world. Pray in faith. Hope in the promises of Christ for your provision and healing. Live with the knowledge that God, the Creator of all and the Father of Jesus the Christ, knows and cares for you personally, this moment - just as you are.

Have a better day, and love one another,

Bucky, your friend in Christ

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