Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A New Day Coming - May 12, 2010

Good Wednesday morning! What to say about the day? It's May 12, but it looks more like March 12. Snow on the ground, wet streets, and a temp in the low 30's say that we are still in winter; the early sunrise says that we are closer to school getting out - which to believe? Well, as we all know that is simply May in the northern plains states. The softball leagues started up last night, even with the threat of snow and rain in the forecast. Our calendar just doesn't seem to tell the whole story. The radio station is out again this morning, but the cable is working. Mankind has advanced far in a technological sense, but we just don't seem to have it quite right yet.

Knowledge has increased exponentially in the last few hundred years, but we still have the same general problems the Romans faced: disease, aging, wars, theft, murder, rape, starvation, poverty, and the list goes on. If you put knowledge and technology together, we have many benefits, but also more problems. We, meaning all of humanity, still don't quite have it right yet.

Spiritually, we have many religious choices, but no religion has saved anyone from death as far as we can tell; people are still dying off left and right around the world. Science claims to be closer to stopping aging, but we are not sure if that is desirable, moral, or even possible yet. And who would really want to stay in this world, as it is now, for thousands of years? No system of government has proven immune to the same human problems we've had for as long as written history can remember. Greed, envy, hate, rage, and selfishness still make a mockery of the best intentions in forming a government. The larger a government, religion, university, or church becomes, the greater the potential for doing good and solving our problems, but instead the problems of the organization become larger and the less is actually done to solve those common problems.

If we elected a president who did nothing but solve the problems our government has and has caused, we would laud him or her throughout the land. How much praise would be heaped on a pope who did nothing but solve the Catholic Church's own problems? What pay would a CEO deserve who could take just one of the major corporations and remove the greed, selfishness, waste, and corruption from the operation? How much would you give for a devotional writer who actually knew everything? I would give a lot, if you find him or her let me know!

The truth is that none of us has all the answers to this world's problems. We need an all-knowing God to be in charge because we know that humans will never solve human problems. To think that we are all basically good is to ignore the evidence of centuries. We need a savior who is good, loves us, and will die to save us. Praise God for sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to save us. The grave clothes of humanity still cling to us; the disease of sin still runs its course in the world, but we have a promise from God that Jesus will return one day. That promise includes another that is precious to all who will believe: no more crying, or sorrow, or pain. Now that's a promise filled with joy!

Have a glorious new day in Christ!


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