Sunday, May 16, 2010

Another Rainy Day - May 16, 2010

Good Sunday morning! Yes, another rainy day has dawned. Are we having spring now? Could be, the temps haven't been quite so cold at night for the past couple of days. Praise the God of all creation for the new day!

How many times have you asked for forgiveness from God, and then for help, strength, courage, love, and the many other good qualities we wished that we displayed all the time? Does it seem to be a daily thing? How can I be saved if this is going on all the time; shouldn't I be righteous or perfect by now? By looking at our own condition, we look in the wrong direction for evidence of our salvation. Jesus accomplished our salvation; wouldn't it make more sense to look to Him for evidence?

The Holy Spirit guides us to look at our Lord for the proof of all the good that we do and all the good that has been done in us. None of us are perfect and we won't be until Jesus completes His work in us. If you are still on this earth, that work has not been completed yet. Wait on the Lord; do your best to have His patience with yourself. Did you stumble and fall already today? Trust in the Lord to forgive you and get up again. You have most of the day still before you!

Praise the name of Jesus!


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