Friday, May 07, 2010

Just a Little Offering to God - May 7, 2010

Good Friday morning! Are you ready to rush out to the aid of someone in distress? Too bad there are so many these days; how in the world are you ever going to make it to every distress call? The truth is that while we have a desire to help everywhere, our strength is far from sufficient to accomplish all that we would need to do in order to help everyone. We want to think that our strength is sufficient for just one or two jobs, but often not even in that scaled-down arena can we be of much help. Do you suppose that God made our strength too small for a reason?

In John, we return once more to the example of a boy and his lunch. With a few small loaves and fish, the boy made a little offering to Jesus. The boy might have wanted the strength or ability to feed all that vast crowd, but he could not. Even the disciples couldn't help as full-grown men and disciples of Christ, but Jesus would bring glory to God the Father by way of just one little offering. We too can be of great help to many by giving up our own strength and abilities, our own selves, as just a little offering to God.

On our own there is little that we can accomplish, but God didn't give us our compassion and empathy for nothing. We can first of all become strong in prayer. Bring the needs of the many to the God of mercy and healing. Trust in the almighty God to hear your prayers and answer in the best way. Our strength is but a little offering; so little among so many needs. God has the strength and wisdom to help everyone who will ask. But what if that person will not ask you say? God also has the strength to take a person right down to the bottom, if necessary, in order to get that person to look up to Him.

Last night we had a good discussion and prayer over someone with an intense need. We also had a lot of knowing going on. Sometimes, the entire group is not going to have the solution to a problem. Even in our numbers we don't have the knowledge, wisdom, and strength of God. Trusting in God individually, and in our Christian group, is a need we all have. We may not have the answer even in a group, but the we's and me's all need to be ready when God gives us an action to perform. We may be reluctant to go when God says, "Go!", but we also have a lot of trouble with "wait!". Sometimes I have to wonder how God ever puts up with us... must be His great love. :-)

God bless,


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