Tuesday, May 11, 2010

God is on the Job! - May 11, 2010

Good Tuesday morning! We have a winter weather warning for tonight and tomorrow - what's up with that? As the middle of May draws near, we begin to wonder if spring will truly arrive this year. Perhaps this will be the year that old saying is proven correct about our three seasons (July, August, and Winter). Sometimes we don't know or understand what is going on, but God is still doing His job.

We know that God causes the rain to fall on the just and the unjust. We also know about His creation; we are part of it and living in it. What else do we know about God's job? In Hebrews 1:3 we read that Christ sustains the universe with the mighty power of His command. That's a big job! We also know that God provides for all of our needs; we are not to worry over what we will eat or wear. Since we don't know the needs of all those around us, we can rest in the assurance that God will take care of those we love. A big part of our walk with Christ seems to involve staying out of God's way!

As God goes about His work each day, what then is our job? God graciously allows us to help Him in His own job at times. Any of us might be sent as a messenger to the nations, or over to a neighbor's house to help in a smaller way. One of us might be called to minister to a church, or to fix a meal for an injured person laid up at home. God has many jobs for us, but one thing will come to almost all of us today - doing our own job. Whether you work for an employer or are self-employed, (I like to call it God-employed!) you will have duties to perform to the best of your abilities to the glory of God the Father. Does doing our jobs help God do His? I like to think so. God doesn't need our help, but He wants us to work for Him in the building of His church.

God doesn't send out tasks through some heavenly administration group just to keep us busy and, hopefully, out of trouble. That characteristic is something we see in the larger organizations here on earth. Even if you are assigned something that is for all appearances totally useless, do it well. We are to be a shining light to the world. Every task we do well glorifies God and helps us to grow in our salvation. Praise God for the love that allows all of us to have a role, a necessary role, in the building of the Church here on Earth.

Speaking of getting to your job... someone oughta tell that writer guy to keep it short. Did you see that behemoth of a devotional yesterday? Y'all have jobs to get on and work to do. I'll take that up with him at the first opportunity today. :-) Actually, I had to stop before I was ready; there is much to write in Christ!

Have a wonderful Tuesday; spread the love of Jesus!


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