Saturday, April 25, 2009

Wandering Minds - April 25, 2009

Good Saturday morning! In reading the LWF devotional this morning, I still catch myself looking for that warehouse full of bread. Catching your mind wandering into thoughts that are not good for you is one of the areas in which you must remain vigilant. You sit in God's grace, enjoying the day, and seemingly all of the sudden, you are thinking about that car, a woman, a man, a lottery prize, something you shouldn't buy, and the list goes on. While the thoughts will come, what you should not do is dwell on them. Put them away, shove 'em out the door, or do whatever it takes to get your mind back on the things of Christ. Easy? I will never pretend that it is. Only in the Holy Spirit do we have the strength to return our mind to the good things of Jesus. I might sound like a broken record, but... trust in God.

Okay, so do I have it all figured out? My mind constantly on alert for the wrong thoughts, no temptation dares approach the strong tower? Hardly! We encourage and support each other because this life is so very difficult. Paul talks of running and striving; Jesus reminds us that what is impossible for us is possible for God, all to point out that this lifelong test we endure will not be a quiet, easy journey. The interesting thing is that in this life we start out in pride, give up our pride to Jesus, and then end this life proud of what Christ has done in us. Will anyone end up proud of what he has done? Only if that person knows how to save himself. I certainly don't, and I suspect that you don't either. We trust in Christ because we don't know the way. However, by giving our lives to Christ we come to know the Way!

Have a great weekend in Christ!


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