Friday, April 03, 2009

Rush, rush! - April 3, 2009

Good Friday morning! Did I see yet another blizzard warning for these parts? Well, yes I did. We seem to be in a spring blizzard pattern, though we have yet to actually experience one this spring. Of course, thumbing my nose at the weather prognosticators might stir them to vengeance. :-) Be safe this weekend.

Do we have time to do what God would have us to do? I have wondered about that now and then. Does a day off mean that an opportunity is lost forever? One thing I will trust is that Jesus will never lose any of His sheep because of me. You and I do not have that responsibility. Jesus has already reported to God that He did not lose any of us. Each of us has time to take a break, time to be sick, time to take a timeout. While Jesus did say that we must quickly carry out the work assigned to us, he never said that we must run ourselves into the ground. What unbeliever would look at a nervous wreck of a Christian life and say "that's what I want"? Waiting on the Lord is among the most difficult things we will do in this life. Learning patience goes against our earthly nature.

If we must stay at home through a blizzard this weekend, how will you measure up in the area of patience? I have spring fever already, the weekend could be difficult! :-)

God loves you and so do I!


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