Thursday, April 09, 2009

The Start - April 10, 2009

Good Thursday morning! Today is the traditional start of the Easter holiday for some folks. If I am not mistaken, on this day Jesus held his last talks with the disciples and spent much time in prayer. He imparted many final instructions and prophecies to the small group of men and women who would soon set the world on fire through the Holy Spirit. He also knew everything that would soon happen. In most cases, we are more frightened by the future because we don't know what will happen. However, in light of what Jesus endured, I'm not so sure that I would want to know all of it! What I am not so surprised by is that Jesus began the entire process. Notice that until Jesus gave the command, Judas did not take off to get the temple guards and Roman soldiers who would make the arrest. Today, Jesus would have given Judas the gps coordinates to the place of his own arrest. That all seems very strange and quite contrary to the actions of a criminal. "I know you're going to betray me, go get the cops and meet me here for the arrest." We know that Jesus had a higher purpose in mind, in fact the highest purpose... the salvation of the world!

Later, a series of staged trials would begin that would come to the rather absurd charge of: "We wouldn't have brought him to you if he weren't a criminal." Imagine what a judge would say if I grabbed you on the street walking your dog, took you to court, and used that line when asked what crime had been committed. The judge might commit me somewhere if I tried a stunt like that, but back in the day they condemned Jesus to death. That was not the end of the story though!

Have a great Easter weekend!


1 comment:

Bucky said...

Oops, that should be April 9! I finally lost track of the date, the day cannot be far behind. Bucky