Tuesday, June 05, 2007

June 5, 2007

Good morning! It was quiet last night; my new friend didn't make his usual racket. A bull toad has moved into my little pond and that little thing can make a noise! In this relationship, I am learning to take the bad with the good, probably a lesson for me on human relationships. The toad makes an ear-splitting racket some nights, but he also eats a lot of bugs; not unlike a human child. In our human relationships we don't seek a friend or spouse that eats a lot of bugs, but we often fall into seeking the "perfect" spouse: Princess Grace, Sleeping Beauty, Prince Charming, King Arthur; we are conditioned from childhood to seek perfection in a mate, while we grow to learn that such perfection does not exist. It is no wonder that relationships are so stressful!

Have you ever met someone and immediately started cataloging what is wrong with them? He is too this, she is not enough that, and the list goes on. One good change in us would be to start cataloging what is right with a person we meet and even those whom we already know. However, the way to right relationships may be the Way himself, Jesus. I am reading in a wonderful book about how to seek God in my heart, and not just know him from an intellectual standpoint in my head. It is going slowly, the book gives me much to think about and practice, but it is good to know that Christ still has many things to teach me in this life.

May we all be learners in Christ Jesus!


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