Saturday, June 02, 2007

June 2, 2007

Good morning! I greet the morning with exuberance, and so does the cat. His exuberance is simply much more obvious than mine. We grow older more slowly than cats and the excitement of a five year old cat is easier to see than mine. Now the other cat, her exuberance shows like mine does this morning, sort of a slow warming up. Ain't Saturday mornings great?

What do you say when someone says that they cannot be a Christian because they smoke (drink, overeat, lie, et al.)? As a Christ-one, we are followers of the Way. Which perhaps should be followers of the Way, the Truth, and the Life, if we are to reference the verse in the Bible. We are followers of Jesus, but while we strive to become more like him, and not in our own strength do we strive, we will leave behind the bad habits of sin. However, you cannot tell a Christ-one simply because they do not have a vice or vices. Many of us, perhaps all of us struggle with one vice or many. We cannot say that he or she is not a Christian because they are smoking a cigarette, or are drunk, or happen to be committing a sin at any particular time. We come to Christ to confess our sins and ask forgiveness often in this life. If we have been given victory over the physical sin, we probably still struggle with the thought life.

It is a testament to the power of the Holy Spirit that the world does perceive Christ-ones as they perceive Christ, without sin in every way. We know that we are not quite up to His holy standard in this life, but praise God that it does show as we move closer to Him.

Have a wonderful weekend in Christ!


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