Friday, December 08, 2006

December 8, 2006

Good Morning! Sometimes you have to wonder about even the best intentions of some folks. Yesterday I read that the ASPCA says that you should never put your cat out at less than 20°F, they simply are not made for the cold. My quite obviously made for the cold furball promptly gave her best “nuts to them” gesture by sitting on the ice of my pond for a spell. God created all things to suit his own purpose. We need not fear that we are inadequate for the tasks he has in store for us. We certainly are inadequate; we don’t need to fear what we already know! However, as someone once said, “I can do anything with God, that God can do alone.” God did not need Mary to give birth to Jesus; He could have created the baby Jesus, manger and all, right on the spot. God does not need us, but he graciously allows us a role in the building of his kingdom. That role will be individually and uniquely suited to just you; no one else can fill it. Hold your head up and go forth with confidence in a mighty God; the world awaits your arrival!

Have a blessed day in Jesus!


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