Tuesday, December 05, 2006

December 5, 2006

Good Morning! I once observed an older woman in a wheelchair having bandages changed on her lower legs. She cried and moaned from the pain of it each time the dressings had to be changed. The hospital staff had lost patience with her and no longer believed that she experienced the pain, but wanted only the attention from her outburst. Now I did not see the entire play from the beginning so don’t rush to blame the hospital staff. People do get addicted to the attention and can play the drama queen so to speak. However, now that it is some years later, I have often wondered what it is in our minds that makes it so difficult to believe that someone is suffering. Part of it is that most pain is fleeting, God created us with the ability to recover and heal, up to a point, on our own. Another part is that we cannot literally experience the pain of another person. A doctor, or nurse, who could empathize completely with a patient, but only for brief and controlled moments, would be a true force of healing. Jesus came to earth for 33 – 35 years with compassion so great that thousands received healing during his brief ministry. The Bible tells us that he often worked late into the night or without sleep to heal the many that came to him. The next time we see someone in pain, let’s give them the benefit of our love and believe them, even if it is the seventy times seven-th time they have cried out for us.

God bless you!

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