Thursday, December 14, 2006

December 14, 2006

Merry Christmas! It is easy for us to look for perfection in everything. A child runs up after scoring the winning touchdown and the Dad says, “That was nice, but you should have…” We look at a great painting and point out some little flaw. Like eternity, perfection is in our minds; we know intuitively what it is but cannot see it anywhere around us. Our eyes are attuned to spotting differences: the one soldier out of line just a tad, the one crooked hat on the marching band member, the one blemish on that beautiful face, or the tiny spot on a paint job. Differences and imperfections are all around us. Perhaps worst of all, we demand it from ourselves and our heroes. A pastor is caught in some sin and fired from the church; a believer sins and the world judges him or her hypocrite; nowhere, it seems, is that standard of perfection kept perfect. It wasn’t in vain that Jesus told us to forgive seventy times seven times; the stain of sin covers all except the Son. Praise God for the one example of perfection who died for our sins, Jesus. One good reason to return often to the scriptures is to see our example of perfection in action and to read his words. We will not find perfection in those around us or in ourselves, so stop trying to correct every little thing you see. For surely once your or my standard is achieved, someone else’s is surely ruined. Only in Jesus is the standard of perfection maintained and we are too imperfect to see it all. One day… one day, we will see our perfect Lord in Heaven! Hallelujah!

God bless you,


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