Friday, January 12, 2024

We Look Up With Hope In Him!

Now King David was old, advanced in years; and they put covers on him, but he could not get warm.  1 Kings 1:1

There he is, the great king of Israel, old and advanced in years, freezing with many blankets piled on him. The verse reminds us that the Bible is not a superhero comic book, nor is it a fantasy novel. Even the king gets old and cold at a time when Israel could provide much to warm him.  Soon King David will relinquish the throne and sleep the sleep that we call death. So, why did you or I want to be king, president, or ruler again? 

We are encouraged by the world to strive for the top spot in whatever organization we find ourselves in this day. Yet, like David, we are going to grow old and get cold. One day another blanket will not be enough to cut the chill. Wow, as far as comfort goes, I'm a wet blanket on a frozen lake this morning. The cold start has left my thermometer too low. How great it is that with David and Job we know our Redeemer lives! It isn't another blanket that warms our hearts but the knowledge of our Savior, Jesus Christ. We may sleep in this world, but we look to awaken with our Lord Jesus. Our faith is in the Lord, we look up with hope in Him!

Yes, it's cold today, but we don't have to be,


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